What’s Next.

KASELEHLIE- That’s Pohnpeian for HELLO!!!!

How are you? I hope you are well! I just wanted to update you about what has been happening here in beautiful Pohnpei, Micronesia as well as share where I will be heading in the coming weeks. If you haven’t seen my status updates the past few months feel free to check out my Facebook page for some of the awesome testimonies of life here in Micronesia.  I have been here as part of the pioneering of Iris Ministries Harvest School of Missions in Micronesia. (Similar to the ministry I did in Mozambique) It’s been an incredible season seeing Jesus move in our midst and within His Pohnpeian Bride. Launching many people into long-term commitments in foreign lands. It has been so wonderful to see God orchestrate the teams together and align vision and connect pieces of the puzzle. We have about a hundred students, half from all over the world, like England, Australia, Madagascar, Canada, USA, and other places and then the other half are Pohnpeian students.

We have been so blessed everyday by His beautiful presence doing a transforming work in all of us. Whether that is through releasing wild joy, bringing us to our knees, releasing freedom, or teaching us about our true identity, everyday is different and a breath of fresh air. God has clearly been marking us all to carry His heart wherever we step. On the weekends we go on outreaches such as: village outreach, outer island outreach, mountain survival, water survival, in town outreach, and exploring the island.

Every Monday new testimonies are shared about how many are getting miraculously healed, stepping into relationship with Jesus, filled with His spirit, and experiencing God’s love and presence for the first time. It never gets old hearing how His heart is captivating the people of Pohnpei. One thing is for sure I have fallen in love with the Pohnpeian people.

We have about two weeks left, and although I will be sad to go, I am even more excited to step into where He is leading me. As many of you know, I will be attending a conference in Holland call “Mission Possible” where leaders from all over the world are coming together in agreement to see the 40 most closed nations to the Gospel be radically transformed by His powerful love. The conference is a week long with about 2,000 people attending from all over the world. After the conference, I am joining a smaller Iris team of about fifteen people that is going to be traveling to every country in Europe bringing the loving, and healing power of Jesus wherever Holy Spirit leads us to go. We will be ministering to families, churches, and whomever else Jesus has in mind. The heart of Iris Ministries is simply to “stop for the one” or love the person in front of you. The possibilities are endless, and I will keep everyone updated on the time frame of this trip as everything unfolds.  I cannot wait to see how God moves and see many experience His beautiful love for the first time. Oh, and did I mention it’s Europe! It has always been a dream of mine to travel around Europe, and now I get to while telling people how fun, loving, joyful, and amazing Jesus is! I am so humbled and stoked that He would let me be apart of this team and live out this dream of mine.

God is showing up all over the world in amazing ways and wants to encounter every tribe, language, and ethnic group. Whether that is on an island that most have never heard about or all around Europe, He keeps rocking and rolling.

Our team is in need of a lot of prayer cover during this time.  Europe is in need of our prayers and love and our heart is to see revival fires spring up wherever we go.  In our comfortable western mindsets it’s easy to think we don’t need a Savior.  But He is longing for His European bride to turn away from the world and its comforts and return back to their first love.

This endeavor is going to take the prayer and financial support of the body of Christ to see His Love Reign once again in the hearts and minds of people all across Europe.  We will be traveling thru Europe by train, and our Eurorail pass costs $1500 for two months of travel, and our monthly team costs are $300 a month.  I am not sure how long I will be a part of this outreach, as it is at least 4months of travel, but for now I feel peace and excitement about the first two months.  Eventually I will be flying home to the states and am hoping for about $1,000 for a plane ticket.  All up I am trusting for around $3,500.


If you would like to partner with me financially on this next endeavor, you can PayPal money to my email accountcillahuber1@gmail.com. All you have to do is go to the PayPal home page and type in my email to find my account and mark it as friend or family gift.

Mountain Shenanigans.

Mountain Survival Outreach aka Hardcore Trekking Through the Jungle

As I’m laying here in my hammock underneath the hut I am staying in,
I am reflecting back on last weekends adventure through the jungles of
Pohnpei. Mountain Survival is known as the most intense/challenging
outreach of them all for various as well as obvious reasons.  The
journey starts on Friday morning when Jesse, one of the overseers of
Iris Micronesia, drops us off near our guide’s house. Father Andrew,
our guide, lived right near where the “trail” started, and I put that
in quotes because many of the international students don’t really know
where the trail is half the time. All we see is jungle haha. It is
super challenging to distinguish when you are used to hiking trails
that have carved out paths that are easily marked.  Before we head up,
the team prays we’ll survive (kidding) kind of, and we begin our
journey. The first twenty minutes aren’t too exhausting, but then we
start to go up, and we keep going up. This isn’t your typical trail
either. Most of it is covered with extremely thick mud, gigantic tree
roots, rivers, or rocks. As the adventure continued, we hiked for
about five or six hours until we reached a rock overhang where we
slept that night. We got there around 4:30and the guys immediately
started to collect firewood to start dinner before it became dark.
Dinner was tuna and rice, but I don’t eat tuna so rice it was. I
prayed it would taste like chicken instead, but it didn’t work haha.
After dinner I was more than ready for bed, so I pulled out the trash
bag I brought to sleep on and used a couple sheets for my blanket.
Father Andrew had covered the floor with bananas leaves which was
surprisingly comfortable, and I drifted off dreaming of eating a
Cookout hamburger 😉
The next morning we ate some oatmeal, and my friend Alex gave me an
instant coffee to mix with my water. What a freaking saint. It is to
this date the best cup of coffee I have ever had haha. We left the
rock around 8 and made our way to the top of the mountain. It wasn’t a
long hike to the top, but my legs were definitely “feeling it” because
it was more uphill climbing and trekking through the jungle. The view
was incredible! We were standing on the highest point in Micronesia,
and even though it was cloudy, I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by
what I was staring out at. We stayed there for about 30 minutes, ate
our lunch (trail mix or power bar) then started our journey down the
other side of the mountain.  Going down was more challenging for me
because it was so slippery and it was harder to balance that way. This
side of the mountain also had places where the trail was so narrow, if
you made one wrong step to the right or left, you would go tumbling
down the side of the mountain. Falling was literally not an option
haha…but seriously. I did get much more frustrated and exhausted on
this day because I lost count of how many times I slipped and by this
day I could smell myself hehe. At times I wanted to chuck my backpack
over the side of the mountain or punch a tree, but I refrained ☺.
After a few more hours of hiking, we made it to the place we would be
sleeping for the night, under leave like shelters. I literally have no
idea how else to describe it, so it just like at the pictures haha.
We cooked dinner, and I went to bed at 6:30because I was so tired. In
the middle of the night, I tree may or may not have caught on fire
right in front of me, but it’s all good not injuries haha. It was
border -line terrifying, but I’ll tell that story later when I have
more time to write.

The last morning was the same routine. Eat and get a move on. I was
definitely pumped to know we would be back on base in just a few short
hours.  It was more bobbing and weaving down the mountain and more
stepping in mud that goes up to your ankles, but it was so much fun at
the same time.  My team is so amazing and the Pohnpeians definitely
help take of us by cooking or carrying the ladies backpacks when we
were super tired or needed a break. This outreach was all about team
work, sharing food, and perspective/mind-sets.

This next and last paragraph I’ll chat about what I learned and the
benefits of this uber challenging/ crazy cool outreach. From the
beginning, I knew going into a weekend like this, focusing on
perspective was gonna be a key thing.  Saying out loud that you’re
going to be hiking a few hours a day can sound daunting if you have
never done a trek like this before, but if you break it down to
focusing at it one hour at a time, it sounds much more enjoyable and
doable. Or even if you’re more tired at times, focus on 30 minutes at
a time. As long as I focused on looking ahead and taking the next
step, I was completely fine and honestly really enjoyed it. The moment
I started to look back or focused on the hours ahead, I began to get
more discouraged. It’s kind of like that in life ya know? The moment
you look back instead of forward, your focus can get twisted. That’s
why the eyes on on the front of your head and not the back. We are
meant to look forward not behind. God was also teaching me about
identity along the way. After each night and after hiking hours a day,
God would simply say, “Cilla, I’m proud of you.” I would just say,
“Yeah thanks man. It was a really long day of hiking.” All He would
say was, “yes I’m proud of you for that, but right now I want you to
know that I am proud of who you are. “ That beyond got to be haha.
After all the hard work and climbing up a mountain for hours, God
wanted to still show me that it’s all about who I am. Identity
shouldn’t flow from doing but resting in who you are in Him.

I hope all this flows and make sense haha. I was tying super quick and
didn’t have much time. Pictures wouldn’t load, but I will post more
soon. Love from Micronesia!

Beauty In Tension

I find myself loving my time here in Micronesia more and more everyday. God is doing some amazing things within my heart, which is what I want to write about today. During the first few days of being here, I knew the word Jesus was speaking over me was freedom. This is a season for me to truly step into who I was created to be. It’s a season of not only moving toward the person I’ve always imagined myself being but fully BECOMING the person I’ve always imagined I would be. That is terrifying to me. I picture it like I have been climbing this big “mountain” for a few years. It’s a mountain of multiple things I’ve experienced, things I’ve overcome, and shaking off words that were spoken over me from a young age. God has been showing me that the words spoken over me are in direct contrast from how He sees me. Words such as you’re too shy to preach or be a missionary. But thankfully I’ve made it to the top of the mountain, and I’ll I have to is jump off. However, that seems to be the hardest part. It would mean I’m stepping into the unknown of experiencing complete freedom for the first time in my life. There is this tension going on inside; part of me wants to hold onto what I know and keep my feet planted, while the other part of me wants to get a running start and leap off the mountain. I recognize that I am slowly leaping off the mountain. On a lighter note, my group is doing the water survival outreach where we will be learning to spear, line, and net fish. I can’t freaking wait. Love from Micronesia!




I am currently sitting at a little restaurant in Pohnpei, Micronesia still adjusting to the time change and still in awe that I’m actually here. Micronesia is 15 hours ahead of everyone back in the east coast which is still tripping me out, but I’m adjusting faster than I thought I would. I am sleeping in the coolest little nass (hut) that is completely open and right next to the ocean. There are about 70 international students and 20 Micronesians excited to start class in a couple days on Monday. Almost every weekend we will be different outreaches to the surrounding islands in the Iris boat with a different focus each weekend. I’m most excited about the water “survival” outreach because we get to learn how to spear fish haha (pray I don’t stab myself). Wish I had time to write more but in town about to head into town to explore. Love to you all and thank you for helping me live out my dreams!


If you would like to support me in my ministry here is a link to my Paypal account:



My back yard.Image





My bed. 


Living My Dream

As I begin to think about these next five to six months that I am about to step into, I can’t help but smile. I am smiling because I without a doubt know that this is going to be some of the most pivotal months of my life because I am stepping into my destiny and true calling in a deeper/more exciting way. I am learning how to position myself or set myself up for success in the areas that I am most passionate about and this trip is truly that. I am running after the things that are so close to my heart as I will be ministering to the poor, broken, widows, sick, hurting, and even those that have never heard the perfect and loving name of Jesus. With that being said, I could not be doing any of this without the support and help from so many of you. I am learning how to allow those closet to me to help in whatever way they desire because someone told me not to rob people from being a blessing to you. So thank you to everyone who has helped make my dream a reality. I leave August 13 and will be updating this blog as often as I can. Below is my Paypal account if you would like to support me on this journey. 


Much Love,


My Heart.

Sup World


Sharing my heart, interests, and what I enjoy on this particular post.

One of my favorite pictures from Mozambique.

I will one day live in this castle that I toured in Switzerland. Just kidding…maybe.

I love amusement parks. As a child I wanted to live in one.

Awkward Family Photos has changed my life for the better.

I went through a chubby boy looking stage. Thank God I made it out alive.

I camped with goats once. We all had a good time.

I am passionate about sharing the love of Jesus all around the world. Especially in the most broken, poor, and destitute places.

This is my sister’s adorable dog Paxton. Just so you know I am DEFINITELY a dog person, not a cat person.

Assini, one of the cutest babies from the Baby House in Mozambique, Africa.

I truly love love love love Starbucks coffee and get super excited when I see them in other countries. This one was in Windsor, England on the right in the green building.

Tennessee football games are always a good time!!!! If you are a Florida fan, don’t talk to me. Seriously.

My roommates are clearly fun and very secure in themselves.


One of my all time favorite pictures from visiting my good friend Mali in Switzerland.

I love to try new things, so I thought it would be a great idea to try and ski on the alps and snowboard in Switzerland. Long story short, it was not a great idea right Mail :)

So pumped that my little bro is gonna live in Greensboro next year for more hang out time!!!!

That’s all for now, but I am going to try and keep up with this blog (key-word try).



Learning how to be married to Jesus is one of my favorite things about this year. The best thing I learned about this marriage is how fun, refreshing, intimate, never-ending, unique, and humbling it truly is. People always say they are married to their best friends, and that is exactly what Jesus has become for me throughout these past few months. Your best friend is someone who you share all your secrets with, talk with for hours, laugh, cry, and brag to everyone how awesome they are; yep, that’s totally my Jesus. I spend hours everyday learning every detail about His beautiful heart, looking into His eyes of fire, aligning my mind with His, adoring Him in every way I know how, and finally realizing what it be one with Him. (Galatians 3:28) Thankfully this relationship goes both ways as He lavishes His love on me constantly and continuously tells me how much He enjoys spending time with me. Jesus always has enough time to speak His love over His bride, You are His bride. My three top love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, and touch which I always receive while hanging out with Jesus because He always tells me how great I am and I can literally feel His presence all around me. (http://www.5lovelanguages.com/assessments/love/)

Also, when I think of marriage, I think of intimacy and having a relationship with more depth than my mind can fathom. When I looked up the root meaning of the word intimacy, I discovered that it comes from the latin word intima signifying the deepest, most internal part of something. Can you imagine the places that one could go if they simply give their deepest most inner being to Jesus? I also read that “the word intimate comes to us from the Latin intima, signifying the deepest, most internal part of something. In medicine, the intima is the inner lining of the arter-ies, the tunica interna or inner coat. This joins with the endo-cardium, the inner lining of the heart. The intimate layer is the most profound and the most tender.To be intimate is to uncover one’s insides, to present oneself from the exposed and unprotected gut. In the act of intimacy we reveal our hearts and our viscera. We do this with great anxiety and trembling, for the movement of opening to another on an intimate level renders us exquisitely vulnerable.”

The Japanese say a man has three hearts. The first he keeps in his mouth for all to see. The second lies deep in his breast where only his closest friends may go. The location of his third heart no one knows, for he alone may see it. Intimacy is the revelation of the third heart, the act of being fully present with the other while being fully oneself. It is easy to be yourself when you are alone, for there is no threat. To be oneself with another soul means to be unsafe. We face the possibility of rejection, pain, humiliation or even destruction. Intimacy is a risk, and most of us have not had enough safety in our relationships to risk easily.” I have decided that Jesus has permission to see all three of my “hearts” because He is the one person who will never reject, cause pain, humiliation or destruction. With Jesus we can all take risk FREELY and rest in the fact that His love is safe.

“When you are intimate you are utterly naked. Not nude, meaning unclothed, but naked, unprotected, exposed and defense-less.” The last couple of paragraphs were written by Stephen Howard. I was blown away when I read what he wrote on intimacy. SIMPLY BRILLANT.

I also have experienced first-hand how fruitfulness flows from intimacy which made me think of another great verse “keep me as the apple of your eye” Psalm 17:8.

Love is obviously another key component to marriage. so I will leave you with one of the favorite books and chapters to highlight His great love and what it looks like to me….John 15 which talks about abiding in His love and how powerful that is. John discovered a secret that some other disciples did not. John found his identity in the fact that He was loved. “Maturing in God is not how much you love God, but realizing how much He loves you” Robin McMillan.


Love In Order To Learn

Love In Order To Learn

Over the past couple of weeks as I have been going out downtown to pray and love on people, Jesus clearly spoke to me and told me to learn from the homeless and to always carry that mindset while ministering. My mind is always blown away after hanging out with the homeless whether I’m just listening to their stories or hearing them communicate how God is always good. I have heard that too many times to count and know they are being sincere which challenges me to keep that Heavenly perspective daily. Jesus also spoke to me while I was talking to a man named Barry and said that most of the homeless know my heart more than those “in church.”  This only encourages me to continue to love them and show them Jesus’s true colors. Heidi Baker says that love has to look like something and to me that is feeding those in need, listening to them, blessing them, telling them how much they matter, praying for them, and encouraging them in any and every way possible. Representing Jesus is one of the simplest, most fun, things for me to walk out daily. I will never apologize for taking the Bible literally and physically taking it “out of the church.” My entire life vision is to love on others in order to learn from them and learn how to represent Jesus to the fullest capacity.